I’m Robin.

I am an independent writer and editor living in Oakland, California.

As a journalist, I work to untangle the driving forces behind present-day challenges. I pursue narratives that show how policies, debates, and structural inequities shape lived experiences. My favorite stories reveal important truths about the world we live in by elevating the experiences of under-represented groups, connecting local issues to larger societal questions, or diving into little-known historical episodes that resonate today.

I have reported on topics such as addiction and public health, reproductive health and health equity, violence and policing, and migration and housing. My bylines can be found in the Guardian, the San Francisco Chronicle, High Country News, the Oaklandside, and other publications.

Communicating complex ideas in ways that are approachable and digestible for all readers is one of my greatest joys. I’ve done this work as an editor for research publications, private corporations, non-profits, and newsrooms. As a copy editor, I trim excess content, improve writing mechanics, and ensure adherence to style guidelines. As a developmental editor, I take a big-picture approach to revising structure, elevating arguments, and enhancing clarity. Learn more about my custom editing services here.

I was trained as a historian and hold a PhD in history. My research and teaching centered on global migration, colonialism, war, and genocide, and current book project (about Ottoman Jewish immigrants living in interwar and occupied Paris) was born out of research I did for my dissertation. If you’d like to a sneak peek, check out this blog post on immigrant cafés or this article on diaspora monuments .

I also have non-professional interests! In my spare time, I love to hike in the Oakland hills, grow vegetables (or, at the very least, eat the vegetables that my husband grows), and make pottery.


Got a project for me? Get in touch!

email: robinmbuller[at]gmail[dot]com

twitter: @robinbuller
