
Think Out Loud: “How climate change affects addiction,” Oregon Public Broadcasting, 2023

Bay Current: “Oakland's high cost of living is driving out refugees,” KCBS Radio, 2022


California Sun: Mike McPhate, November 13, 2023

“One by one, Catholic dioceses across California have declared bankruptcy over the last year, citing an inability to pay damages from sexual abuse lawsuits. But that’s a cop-out, according to Dan McNevin, an abuse survivor who has spent years researching church holdings. The Oakland diocese, which declared bankruptcy in May, owns more than 2,000 pieces of land with an estimated value of more than $3 billion, he said. ‘They have the assets to pay people whatever is needed.’”

Los Angeles Times, August 22, 2023

“For years, Merritt College drew students to its doors. Then it moved out of North Oakland. Robin Buller looks at the history of this community college and its role in developing young activists such as the co-founders of the Black Panther movement. Its move has shifted the college’s demographics and culture of North Oakland. San Francisco Chronicle.”

Abortion, Every Day: Grace Haley, August 22, 2023

“Another consequence of doctors’ fear of prosecution is the mass exodus of OB-GYNs we’re seeing from states with abortion bans. The Guardian reported on the maternity desert crisis with a pair of pieces on the national OB-GYN shortage and what that looks like in rural Idaho, Montana and Washington…It’s also a reminder that abortion bans have an impact that goes way beyond abortion access—they touch all parts of reproductive health care.”

San Francisco Chronicle: Erin Allday, “LGBTQ students are returning to hostile school environments — even in California,” August 21, 2023

“Chino. Temecula. Santa Rosa. In communities across California, students like Juniper are returning to classrooms in the wake of attacks on LGBTQ rights that began in the spring. Pressure campaigns, largely led by conservative parent groups, have successfully lobbied school boards to out students’ gender-affirming requests, censor curriculums, and ban books and Pride flags. In some cases, school board clashes have become intense and even violent.”

Ms. Magazine: Ansev Demirhan and Caitlin Mahoney, “The Dark Money Fight Against Abortion Access: A Year in Review,” June 23, 2023

“IWV also launched an attack on transgender Americans, presenting them as a threat to cisgender women. This attack may also be an attempt to distract from the right-wing’s role in overturning the constitutional right to abortion—helping Republican officials present themselves as the party defending women, as the Guardian recently reported. All the while, IWV and its political allies have assailed equal rights for women, long-standing protections for survivors of domestic violence, and even paid family and medical leave.”

Abortion, Every Day: Jessica Valenti, April 18, 2023

“If you wanted another reminder for why abortion being legal is the bare minimum, please read this piece in The Guardian from a woman in California who was billed $55,000 by the hospital who treated her ectopic pregnancy. The whole article will have you furious, but the insurance representative telling her that the emergency abortion wasn’t covered because she didn’t get the price approved in advance really sent me over the edge.”

The Guardian US: Nimo Omer, “Monday Briefing,” April 17, 2023

“Even though in California access to legal abortions is not at risk, the medical costs can be extremely steep. Robin Buller writes about her experience terminating her ectopic pregnancy and then receiving a $55,000 bill a week later.”